Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Difference Between MyISAM And InnoDB - MySQL

MyISAM Advantage
1. Faster than InnoDB for search results
2. support Full-text indexing
3. When use "select" statement, gives faster results as compare to Innodb

InnoDB Advantage
1. Support for transactions (ACID: Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability).
2. Better "Row-level locking"
3. Foreign key constraints
4. Repair better incase of table corruption
5. Support Rollback abilities
6. Automatic crash recovery

MyISAM Disadvantage
1. Cascading delete/update not support
2. NOt support ACID compliance
3. When we use indexing, insert/update/delete become bit slow
4. Not Support Row Locking

InnoDB Disadvantage
1. Not support full text indexing (<5.6 mysql version)
2. Can't compressed
3. Search Slow as compare to MyISAM

Change table engine to MyISAM

Change table engine to innodb
ALTER TABLE `honnikery` ENGINE = innodb

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