Thursday, October 25, 2012
Basic Oracle space monitoring scripts
select tbs.tablespace_name, tot.bytes/1024 total, tot.bytes/1024-sum(nvl(fre.bytes,0))/1024 used, sum(nvl(fre.bytes,0))/1024 free, (1-sum(nvl(fre.bytes,0))/tot.bytes)*100 pct, decode( greatest((1-sum(nvl(fre.bytes,0))/tot.bytes)*100, 90), 90, '', '*' ) pct_warn from dba_free_space fre, (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) bytes from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name) tot, dba_tablespaces tbs where tot.tablespace_name = tbs.tablespace_name and fre.tablespace_name(+) = tbs.tablespace_name group by tbs.tablespace_name, tot.bytes/1024, tot.bytes order by 5, 1 ;
What is Explain Plan in Oracle, & how do we use it?
An Explain Plan is a tool that you can use to have Oracle explain to you how it plans on executing your query. This is useful in tuning queries to the database to get them to perform better. Once you know how Oracle plans on executing your query, you can change your environment to run the query faster.
Before you can use the EXPLAIN PLAN command, you need to have a PLAN_TABLE installed. This can be done by simply running the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlxplan.sql script in your schema. It creates the table for you. After you have the PLAN_TABLE created, you issue an EXPLAIN PLAN for the query you are interested in tuning. The command is of the form:
Before you can use the EXPLAIN PLAN command, you need to have a PLAN_TABLE installed. This can be done by simply running the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlxplan.sql script in your schema. It creates the table for you. After you have the PLAN_TABLE created, you issue an EXPLAIN PLAN for the query you are interested in tuning. The command is of the form:
EXPLAIN PLAN SET STATEMENT_ID='somevalue' FOR some SQL statement;You need to use a statement_id and then give your SQL statement. For instance, suppose I have a query to tune. How does it get executed? I issue the following in SQL*Plus:
SQL> explain plan set statement_id = 'q1' for 2 select object_name from test where object_name like 'T%'; Explained.I used 'q1' for my statement id (short for query 1). But you can use anything you want. My SQL statement is the second line. Now I query the PLAN_TABLE to see how this statement is executed. This is done with the following query:
SQL> SELECT LPAD(' ',2*(level-1)) || operation || ' ' || options || ' ' || 2 object_name || ' ' || DECODE(id,0,'Cost = ' || position) AS "Query Plan",other 3 FROM plan_table 4 START WITH id = 0 5 AND statement_id='q1' 6 CONNECT BY PRIOR ID = PARENT_ID 7* AND statement_id = 'q1' Query Plan OTHER -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- SELECT STATEMENT Cost = TABLE ACCESS FULL TESTThis tells me that my SQL statement will perform a FULL table scan on the TEST table (TABLE ACCESS FULL TEST). Now let's add an index on that table!
SQL> create index test_name_idx on test(object_name); Index created. SQL> truncate table plan_table; Table truncated. SQL> explain plan set statement_id = 'q1' for 2 select object_name from test where object_name like 'T%'; Explained. SQL> SELECT LPAD(' ',2*(level-1)) || operation || ' ' || options || ' ' || 2 object_name || ' ' || DECODE(id,0,'Cost = ' || position) AS "Query Plan",other 3 FROM plan_table 4 START WITH id = 0 5 AND statement_id='q1' 6 CONNECT BY PRIOR ID = PARENT_ID 7* AND statement_id = 'q1' Query Plan OTHER -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- SELECT STATEMENT Cost = INDEX RANGE SCAN TEST_NAME_IDXI added an index to the table. Before I issue another EXPLAIN PLAN, I truncate the contents of my PLAN_TABLE to prepare for the new plan. Then I query the PLAN TABLE. Notice that this time I'm using an index (TEST_NAME_IDX) that I created!! Hopefully, this query will run faster now that it has an index to use. But this may not always be the case.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Oracle Database Performance Tuning Steps.
Using Baselines
Comparative Performance Analysis with AWR Baselines
Automatic Workload Repository Baselines
Moving Window Baseline
Baselines in Performance Page Settings & Baseline Templates
AWR Baselines & Creating AWR Baselines
Managing Baselines with PL/SQL & Baseline Views
Performance Monitoring and Baselines & Defining Alert Thresholds Using a Static Baseline
Using AWR Based Tools
Automatic Maintenance Tasks
ADDM Performance Monitoring
Identifying Problem SQL Statements
SQL Statement Processing Phases & Role of the Oracle Optimizer
Identifying Bad SQL, Real Time SQL Monitoring (a 11.1 feature new lesson in NF L-15) & TOP SQL Reports
What Is an Execution Plan? Methods for Viewing Execution Plans & Uses of Execution Plans
DBMS_XPLAN Package: Overview & EXPLAIN PLAN Command
Reading an Execution Plan, Using the V$SQL_PLAN View & Querying the AWR
SQL*Plus AUTOTRACE & SQL Trace Facility
How to Use the SQL Trace Facility
Generate an Optimizer Trace
Influencing the Optimizer
Functions of the Query Optimizer, Selectivity, Cardinality and Cost & Changing Optimizer Behavior
Using Hints, Optimizer Statistics & Extended Statistics
Controlling the Behavior of the Optimizer with Parameters
Enabling Query Optimizer Features & Influencing the Optimizer Approach
Optimizing SQL Statements, Access Paths & Choosing an Access Path
Join & Sort Operations
How the Query Optimizer Chooses Execution Plans for Joins
Reducing the Cost
Using SQL Performance Analyzer
Real Application Testing: Overview & Use Cases
SQL Performance Analyzer: Process & Capturing the SQL Workload
Creating a SQL Performance Analyzer Task & SPA (NF Lesson 9) DBMS_SQLTUNE.CREATE_TUNING_TASK
Optimizer Upgrade Simulation & SQL Performance Analyzer Task Page
Comparison Report & Comparison Report SQL Detail
Tuning Regressing Statements & Preventing Regressions
Parameter Change Analysis & Guided Workflow Analysis
SQL Performance Analyzer: PL/SQL Example & Data Dictionary Views
SQL Performance Management
Maintaining SQL Performance and Optimizer Statistics & Automated Maintenance Tasks
Statistic Gathering Options & Setting Statistic Preferences
Restore Statistics
Deferred Statistics Publishing: Overview & Example
Automatic SQL Tuning: Overview
SQL Tuning Advisor: Overview
Using the SQL Access Advisor
SQL Plan Management: Overview
Tuning PGA and Temporary Space
SQL Memory Usage & Performance Impact
SQL Memory Manager
Configuring Automatic PGA Memory & Setting PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET Initially
Monitoring & Tuning SQL Memory Usage
PGA Target Advice Statistics & Histograms
Automatic PGA and Enterprise Manager & Automatic PGA and AWR Reports
Temporary Tablespace Management: Overview & Monitoring Temporary Tablespace
Temporary Tablespace Shrink & Tablespace Option for Creating Temporary Table
Comparative Performance Analysis with AWR Baselines
Automatic Workload Repository Baselines
Moving Window Baseline
Baselines in Performance Page Settings & Baseline Templates
AWR Baselines & Creating AWR Baselines
Managing Baselines with PL/SQL & Baseline Views
Performance Monitoring and Baselines & Defining Alert Thresholds Using a Static Baseline
Using AWR Based Tools
Automatic Maintenance Tasks
ADDM Performance Monitoring
Identifying Problem SQL Statements
SQL Statement Processing Phases & Role of the Oracle Optimizer
Identifying Bad SQL, Real Time SQL Monitoring (a 11.1 feature new lesson in NF L-15) & TOP SQL Reports
What Is an Execution Plan? Methods for Viewing Execution Plans & Uses of Execution Plans
DBMS_XPLAN Package: Overview & EXPLAIN PLAN Command
Reading an Execution Plan, Using the V$SQL_PLAN View & Querying the AWR
SQL*Plus AUTOTRACE & SQL Trace Facility
How to Use the SQL Trace Facility
Generate an Optimizer Trace
Influencing the Optimizer
Functions of the Query Optimizer, Selectivity, Cardinality and Cost & Changing Optimizer Behavior
Using Hints, Optimizer Statistics & Extended Statistics
Controlling the Behavior of the Optimizer with Parameters
Enabling Query Optimizer Features & Influencing the Optimizer Approach
Optimizing SQL Statements, Access Paths & Choosing an Access Path
Join & Sort Operations
How the Query Optimizer Chooses Execution Plans for Joins
Reducing the Cost
Using SQL Performance Analyzer
Real Application Testing: Overview & Use Cases
SQL Performance Analyzer: Process & Capturing the SQL Workload
Creating a SQL Performance Analyzer Task & SPA (NF Lesson 9) DBMS_SQLTUNE.CREATE_TUNING_TASK
Optimizer Upgrade Simulation & SQL Performance Analyzer Task Page
Comparison Report & Comparison Report SQL Detail
Tuning Regressing Statements & Preventing Regressions
Parameter Change Analysis & Guided Workflow Analysis
SQL Performance Analyzer: PL/SQL Example & Data Dictionary Views
SQL Performance Management
Maintaining SQL Performance and Optimizer Statistics & Automated Maintenance Tasks
Statistic Gathering Options & Setting Statistic Preferences
Restore Statistics
Deferred Statistics Publishing: Overview & Example
Automatic SQL Tuning: Overview
SQL Tuning Advisor: Overview
Using the SQL Access Advisor
SQL Plan Management: Overview
Tuning PGA and Temporary Space
SQL Memory Usage & Performance Impact
SQL Memory Manager
Configuring Automatic PGA Memory & Setting PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET Initially
Monitoring & Tuning SQL Memory Usage
PGA Target Advice Statistics & Histograms
Automatic PGA and Enterprise Manager & Automatic PGA and AWR Reports
Temporary Tablespace Management: Overview & Monitoring Temporary Tablespace
Temporary Tablespace Shrink & Tablespace Option for Creating Temporary Table
views indicates if the tablespace is encrypted or not.SELECT tablespace_name, encrypted FROM dba_tablespaces;
Listing Tablespaces and Default Storage Parameters
How to check tablespace usage in Oracle
sysdate, a.owner username, a.tablespace_name, round(b.total_space/1024/1024,2)
"Total (MB)"
, round(
"Used (MB)"
, round(
"% Used"
dba_segments a, (
(bytes) total_space
tablespace_name) b
a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name
a.tablespace_name, a.owner, b.total_space/1024/1024
a.tablespace_name, a.owner;
Tablespace Data Dictionary Views
Name and number of all tablespaces
from the control file.
Name and encryption algorithm of
all encrypted tablespaces.
Descriptions of all (or user
accessible) tablespaces.
Displays the tablespace groups and
the tablespaces that belong to them.
Information about segments within
all (or user accessible) tablespaces.
Information about data extents
within all (or user accessible) tablespaces.
Information about free extents
within all (or user accessible) tablespaces.
Displays the total allocated and
free space in each temporary tablespace.
Information about all datafiles,
including tablespace number of owning tablespace.
Information about all tempfiles,
including tablespace number of owning tablespace.
Shows files (datafiles) belonging
to tablespaces.
Shows files (tempfiles) belonging
to temporary tablespaces.
Information for all extents in all
locally managed temporary tablespaces.
For locally managed temporary
tablespaces: the state of temporary space cached and used for by each
Shows space used/free for each
Default and temporary tablespaces
for all users.
Lists tablespace quotas for all
Information about every sort
segment in a given instance. The view is only updated when the tablespace is
of the TEMPORARY type.
Describes temporary (sort) segment
usage by user for temporary or permanent tablespaces.
Statistics on Tables, Indexes and Columns
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Oracle System Tables
System Table | Description |
ALL_ARGUMENTS | Arguments in object accessible to the user |
ALL_CATALOG | All tables, views, synonyms, sequences accessible to the user |
ALL_COL_COMMENTS | Comments on columns of accessible tables and views |
ALL_CONSTRAINTS | Constraint definitions on accessible tables |
ALL_CONS_COLUMNS | Information about accessible columns in constraint definitions |
ALL_DB_LINKS | Database links accessible to the user |
ALL_ERRORS | Current errors on stored objects that user is allowed to create |
ALL_INDEXES | Descriptions of indexes on tables accessible to the user |
ALL_IND_COLUMNS | COLUMNs comprising INDEXes on accessible TABLES |
ALL_LOBS | Description of LOBs contained in tables accessible to the user |
ALL_OBJECTS | Objects accessible to the user |
ALL_OBJECT_TABLES | Description of all object tables accessible to the user |
ALL_SEQUENCES | Description of SEQUENCEs accessible to the user |
ALL_SNAPSHOTS | Snapshots the user can access |
ALL_SOURCE | Current source on stored objects that user is allowed to create |
ALL_SYNONYMS | All synonyms accessible to the user |
ALL_TABLES | Description of relational tables accessible to the user |
ALL_TAB_COLUMNS | Columns of user's tables, views and clusters |
ALL_TAB_COL_STATISTICS | Columns of user's tables, views and clusters |
ALL_TAB_COMMENTS | Comments on tables and views accessible to the user |
ALL_TRIGGERS | Triggers accessible to the current user |
ALL_TRIGGER_COLS | Column usage in user's triggers or in triggers on user's tables |
ALL_TYPES | Description of types accessible to the user |
ALL_UPDATABLE_COLUMNS | Description of all updatable columns |
ALL_USERS | Information about all users of the database |
ALL_VIEWS | Description of views accessible to the user |
DATABASE_COMPATIBLE_LEVEL | Database compatible parameter set via init.ora |
DBA_DB_LINKS | All database links in the database |
DBA_ERRORS | Current errors on all stored objects in the database |
DBA_OBJECTS | All objects in the database |
DBA_ROLES | All Roles which exist in the database |
DBA_ROLE_PRIVS | Roles granted to users and roles |
DBA_SOURCE | Source of all stored objects in the database |
DBA_TABLESPACES | Description of all tablespaces |
DBA_TAB_PRIVS | All grants on objects in the database |
DBA_TRIGGERS | All triggers in the database |
DBA_TS_QUOTAS | Tablespace quotas for all users |
DBA_USERS | Information about all users of the database |
DBA_VIEWS | Description of all views in the database |
DICTIONARY | Description of data dictionary tables and views |
DICT_COLUMNS | Description of columns in data dictionary tables and views |
GLOBAL_NAME | global database name |
NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS | Permanent NLS parameters of the database |
NLS_INSTANCE_PARAMETERS | NLS parameters of the instance |
NLS_SESSION_PARAMETERS | NLS parameters of the user session |
PRODUCT_COMPONENT_VERSION | version and status information for component products |
ROLE_TAB_PRIVS | Table privileges granted to roles |
SESSION_PRIVS | Privileges which the user currently has set |
SESSION_ROLES | Roles which the user currently has enabled. |
SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP | Description table for privilege type codes. Maps privilege type numbers to type names |
TABLE_PRIVILEGES | Grants on objects for which the user is the grantor, grantee, owner, or an enabled role or PUBLIC is the grantee |
TABLE_PRIVILEGE_MAP | Description table for privilege (auditing option) type codes. Maps privilege (auditing option) type numbers to type names |
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